Quilted Twins

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“Mountain Sunrise” Top finished

I brought this bundle pack with me to Poland when I came back. I loved it - and frankly was surprised that Rachael still had some. It is called Mountain Sunrise by Abraham Hunter/3 Wishes. It is kind of small - only 4 half yards plus 2 panels. It’s the two panels that made it both challenging and fun.

This bundle pack has 2 panels PLUS some absolutely stunning accompanying fabrics! Only $47 for this bundle!

But I didn’t fret too much - I had room in my luggage and decided that I wanted to make something it - and maybe show some of you what YOU could do if you wanted to.

Naturally it was so beautiful that I wanted to make a queen size quilt from it.

Obviously you can’t really do that from that much fabric - so I knew I would need to add to it.

This one uses the bundle pack PLUS solid white, solid navy and kind of a sage green blender.

It is what I needed anyway, to make all these fabrics look nice together - though they coordinate beautifully.

Here is what I came up with.

I did actually have to go and BUY some solid navy. It is one color I did not have a lot of. The solid white and the green I did have in my stash.

The little borders around the squares in the border were not as big of a deal as I was afraid they would be. I can see from a distance the imperfections aren’t so noticeable - and once I get it quilted and then washed, even less so.

My sis has only FOUR of these bundle packs as of this writing. This is a very specific design - for this bundle pack. Here is the layout I used.

Here is another view.

And just so you can see these blocks along the navy border.

I really like how this one turned out. It ended up being 97”x117”, so a nice long quilt!

So I think I’ll be keeping this one. For our bed.

My husband is from Alaska, and frankly, if we could have “called ourselves to the mission field” we would have gone to a pretty, mountainous area and not a flat area like we are in. Thankfully the Lord allowed us to get some property backing up to a state park/wooded area. :)

So here you go. If this is something that interests you AND YOU BUY this bundle pack, let me know - I can write it up for you. This is such a specific design, I’m not sure it is actually needed to be written up for general consumption. So, we’ll see.

The only leftover bits and pieces are these - I’m considering making a simple checkerboard out of these pieces to use as part of the backing OR I could just make a “afterquilt” with them in a random sort of way. (Karen Brown) I’ll give you the link to the video. I haven’t decided yet but I did roll them up and am keeping them together until I do. I could just go ahead and strip them and put them in my scraps but they are so beautiful, I’d really like to keep them together and use them on the back - or make a throw pillow.

For now I’ll just keep all the pieces together and wait for inspiration.

Thank you again for coming along with me on this journey of mine!

Have a great day wherever you are reading!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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