Quilted Twins

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More Quilted Hearts! Yeah!

I keep trying to see if anyone has reported any of the quilted hearts I’ve made. So far I’ve not seen any. It’s okay. I’m over ‘needing’ that to happen. Now I just use my imagination.

On the other hand, I’m enjoying making these from small pieces that end up in my sewing room.

I also find that I can work on these when I’m tired of sewing for the day but still want to create.

Here is this next group.

I now have made quite a few “extra” hearts - what I think of as heart bases. From those I have sitting in my sewing room, I chose mostly the earth tones to finish completely.

I kind of went crazy with the wooden beads. But I was enjoying the look.

This little exercise of making these hearts is helping me learn to be more creative. I’ve been watching some who do papercraft things (which I don’t do) such as journaling and beading on You Tube.

When my sis and I were in college, we made scrapbooks of things happening in college. However they were pretty simple compared to what people do nowadays.

I kept a lot of these in that off white/browns color scheme simply because I had the browns and tan colored things out and able to use.

I am enjoying the beautiful wooden buttons I’ve been able to find on our auction site (mostly). I’m sure they all originate from China but they are pretty!

I probably should get more creative with these rhinestone ones than this - but they are pretty in person!

With this one I really worked on the ‘layered look” meaning I put the burlap ribbon with lace on and then that little piece of almost papery fabric to make the bow and then a button underneath. I really did like the look.

I glued those big leaves on there. Hopefully they stay.

My husband commented that I’m sure making these a lot and I told him they are fun - so quick to make and I can put them out and enjoy the idea of giving them almost weekly - not needing to wait once a year for a quilt give-away like I do with the charity quilts. Naturally they are much, much quicker to put together than a quilt.

So cute.

A lot of times the decorations might not show up - so I’m considering that as I put them on.

This one is a little decoration heavy. :)

I’m starting to play around with putting charms on them now. This was my first attempt. I’m sure I’ll figure out how to make them look nicer.

Even with this one, the flower kind of spices up this kind of ugly heart, if I may so describe it.

I suppose it would have helped this one if the pom pom trim had them a little closer together, but this is a kind of small heart.

Another rhinestone one. I’ve found I don’t actually have much red that matches the rhinestones. Maybe in the future I should not try to match…just go contrasting. What I mean by that is the ribbon and the buttons don’t actually match the red of the rhinestones.

I suppose the next ones I make I should go ahead and make them more summery colors and save these for the fall - but nah…people like these colors now, too.

Once again, I wasn’t sure how to apply a charm. I guess I need to do better than this! :) Next time I may put a small piece of fabric underneath the charm (on the bulb pin) to kind of give it a base.

I hope this one makes someone smile.

And there you have all 20 of the ones I made.

The weather is starting to give us more rain - so I’m having to think where I can put them so they will be somewhat protected from the elements in case they aren’t found before it rains again.

Anyway- here are the places where I put them.

I talked with a lady in Otwock about helping me play this game - to see if she would help me put them out in various places. I think she understands. She both reads and speaks English, so hopefully she will go to the website and see what kinds of things people are saying.

In the meantime, I put these out and worked on some more. They are really great small projects that I can do when tired but still want to do something creative.

I think that by doing these - I’m actually starting to enjoy putting them out. At first it was definitely difficult. Now, I think I’m getting over that fear of being found out - but just looking around trying to see places to put them.

One thing I am learning - make BRIGHT ones to go on trees. If they are brown, they blend right in and people just don’t see them. I also should save the bright ones for the chairs in the mall food court seating as the chairs are brown. They are more easily seen.

Also, I’m going to start “rolling them” with a lint roller before I take photos. :) I am not seeing all these small pieces of threads until I put these photos on the computer at 3x the size they really are!

And thanks again so much for coming along with me on this journey.

If you want to learn more about I Found a Quilted Heart - it’s here.

Have a great day wherever you are reading!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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