Ten More Charity Tops
Here are the next ten charity tops ready to be taken to church! I am getting to the end of these.
I guess I used a lot of red!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
As you can tell, all of these are from Fran in AZ who tends to make this kind of design in the center. Most of these were the small centers to which I added the borders!
Once again, to help these posts be more interesting, here are some more photos of people from past give-aways or just people who have received quilts NOT during a give-away. Actually the ones below were given away NOT during an official give-away but were specifically helping people we know. The couple who took a lot were passing them to needy people in their ministry.
Thank you once again for all your help, encouragement, quilt tops and anything you have done to help me get these done!
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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