10 More charity tops - ready to go
I have been trying to clean out these bags of tops with cut borders that have been in my sewing room. Ever so gradually they are being worked down. Yeah!
Here are the next ten.
And now so you can see them individually. I have both large and small here.

After I got them all photographed, I folded them up and put them in this bag - on their way to the church building where they will wait their turn to be turned into quilts.
This is a rather large bag.
Here is the current state of the room at church with the quilts I took up there and some tops that are both ready to quilt and ones I need to add borders to. I have both. I will start working on quilting pretty soon - but as of lately the room where the long arm is is a bit on the chilly side and I thought I’d use these days to go ahead and sew upstairs where it is warmer and wait til the basement is the coolest place in the house in a good way - and work down there.
Anyway - here it is. It’s a bit of a mess. I will admit that I’ve had help filling it up. I don’t know where that scooter came from, for example. Someone put it in the room. I need to get in there and straighten it up better. Probably after I take another 20 quilts or so I will want to take a half an hour or so and do that.
I recently talked to a lady at the church about helping me with a give-away in the fall. She’s very happy to help - and she’s very much an extrovert, so she loves meeting people, etc. That will be a help! I told her I’m not ready at the moment as I have only 36 quilts in that room. I’d like to have over 100 at least!
Obviously I’m too late to have a give-away this spring, but I’ll be aiming at a fall one - now. So that’s my goal.
Here’s a couple of photos of our last big give-away (Nov. ‘21). The people are so grateful - it really does keep me going on this project.
I had a lot of BIG ones last time as well - and every single one went.
We only put out about 12 big ones at a time - as they took a lot of space and people often like to look at them. When the pile went down a bit, we put more back on there as I had about 50 of this size.
On the individual chairs shown below I had single sizes. The tables on the left just showed our next stack of quilts to go on the chairs after I gave away some from the photos shown.
So there you are. Thanks again so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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