Another box of goodies from Fran!

Here’s another box from Fran! I received it a few weeks ago now but haven’t shared the gifts yet.

This was one was full of more goodies for charity quilting!

Let’s see.

First here are the small and larger tops.

Then there were some “other things in there.

There were a couple of pieces of fabric.

Then, there were some things with accompanying notes:

I can’t believe how much she can get done. She has made so many quilts that local people have enjoyed - for years and years now!

This box cost Fran a lot of money!

So, overall here are the contents of this box!

So there we are. More charity quilt tops from Fran in Arizona!

Thanks so much, Fran, should you happen to see this! I hope she does. :)

Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Becky Petersen2 Comments