2023 Quilt Give-Away!
It is over!
We’ve had the Quilt Give-away.
I am so grateful that I had a lot of help! It was a wet, snowy day.
We got to the building at 9:15 am and we had planned to open the doors at 9:30. Well, I got there about 9:07 am actually.
We fixed the back room which we had not put quilts out the day before and put quilts on the table and chairs there.
At 9:30 am we opened the doors and began to let people in.
Over the course of the next four hours we proceeded to give out about 100 quilts.
People came in with a coupon or coupons.
I would meet the people and then I asked them if they actually needed more than the coupon/s they had. If they did need them, I told them they could have the number they needed.
Turnout seemed a bit light compared to some other years. Of course the fact that it was snowing and pretty wet and chilly might have had something to do with it.
But here are some photos of the activities of the day.
The interesting thing about this coupon the top (and the one under it) is that they are photocopies of the originals. It was not necessary to do that, however, as I had enough quilts leftover to give people extras if needed.
Ewa (Eva) came to help and since she had helped before and since she was really good with getting permission to use the photos on line, she did most of that.
Basia and Natalia helped people find quilts and Rachel helped resupply quilts on the chairs once people had chosen quilts. We each had our tasks to do.
As people chose quilts and left an empty chair, we moved another quilt to that chair. We only put out about 60 quilts at once so that the decision making would not be so difficult for people.
At the end we moved the leftover, unchosen quilts to the front room.
I brought home all the coupons that people had redeemed and counted them.
Naturally I was tired at the end of the day. I was not feeling well, so I was doubly ready to come home. So I did - then went to bed for a couple of hours to rest.
I did ask Ewa what her thoughts were about the day. This is what she wrote.
To cudowne uczucie być częścią tego wspaniałego projektu. Oczy miałam wilgotne widząc jak ludzie wybierają kołderki do powstania których włożyłysmy z mamą czas i serce.
That, translated is this -
It's a wonderful feeling to be part of this wonderful project. My eyes were moist when I saw people choosing quilts that my mother and I had put our time and heart into creating.
Here are some pictures of those who received the quilts. We tried to photograph them holding the quilts they chose.
It’s always an uplifting experience to have the Give-away. If I had felt better, it would have been even more uplifting. :)
You can hit the arrow to move to the next photo.
I wanted to say THANK You to all of you have helped with this project.
So many of you have given tops, encouraged, and helped in so many ways! Thank you again. It is important that you share in this as well. We told the people who got the quilts that the helpers really love to see who chose their quilts.
So there you are. Please enjoy these photos as well! We had so many nice comments about the quilts - people said they were so pretty, colorful and just really nice.
I am going to find homes for the remainder of the quilts. I have a lady who wants 15 of them for her group of people about an hour away and a lady who is with the local social agency said that she could use some to give to poor families when she gives out candy to kids on St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 6). I’m probably going to give her all the remaining quilts so I will start with 0 again.
And that’s really what I need.
I want to do an inventory in the storage room and it is hard to do with quilts in there. I have a lot of finished tops and want to be able to unearth them and go through them for the 2024 quilts I want to quilt. I also want to count the ones that are ready to go.
And thus ends the Quilt Give-away for 2023.
Thanks again so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.