Ten More Charity Tops Finished
I decided I really wanted to get these strips that I received from Ewa finished and make them ALL into tops. And because I have so many, I’ve been quite busy.
I decided on doing mostly the ones with the fabric strips on the outside of the solid color strips simply because this way I use more of the strips faster. It’s more or less a “survival decision”.
I also decided to start branching out into different colors for the solids. For example, the one on the right here is showing more pastel type colors (at least the ones I have).
I have actually finished another 10 already and am starting on the fourth set of 10. So, it’s going. I’m trying to work on it day after day so I can get done!
So here are the next ten. Click on the arrow to move them along faster if they aren’t moving quickly enough for you.
I know, when I make so many of any one kind, they can be kind of boring. BUT, I won’t actually finish quilting up all of them at once - but I do want to finish using up the strips I have - just to move them on out of my house. I’ll end up taking the finished tops over to the church building to wait for their turn to quilt.
The pile of today’s tops - which eventually will be added to the other ones and I hope to make a final photo of ALL of the ones I’ve made from these!
I just saw (when I put the photo up) that that long blue thread on the top of the pile. However, I am unwilling to learn how to take it out of the photo or run down and take another picture since these tops are packed away in a big tote back already.
It’s really starting to feel like I’ve gotten quite a bit done on this impulse project.
By using the term “impulse project” that, I simply mean it’s not one of my main sewing projects either for myself or my sister…but sort of “I’ve got to get these done to get them finished and moved out of my house for my own sanity” type of thing! :) But I’m starting to feel like I’m on the downhill side - so that’s one thing. And when I really get close to the last bits, I tend to pour my heart and soul into something just to get done!
Since this is the second post - that means that this makes 20 of these tops finished so far - and shown to you. But I’m not finished. I can foresee at least 40, or 50 of these tops and possibly even more! And that little factoid is mind boggling!
Thanks so much for coming with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
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