2023 Charity quilts #31-40 finished

Yes, you can expect these every week now- I hope anyway.

Interestingly enough, on Sunday a man who received a quilt maybe 5 years ago now asked me if I could make him a quilt. I told him we’d be having a give-away in November. No, I don’t have a date set yet, but I really just need to get them all finished (even if not shown to you get) - as I didn’t have many extra from last year. At least not enough to have a give-away last fall.

I think you all realized I used up all the ones in 2021 - all - I had 0 when the war with Ukraine started.

Then in 2022, I used many of the ones I made “as I went”. Then, finally toward the end of the year, I did end up getting ahead a bit as I made the last 60. There are SOME at the church as I start this push, so that is exciting. Some of those are the first 10 I had made earlier this year.

Anyway, here are the next ten that are finished, washed, dried, and photographed.


If you have helped in any way in this process - please know your efforts are so appreciated!

I know that when you get 10 quilts in one blog post, it is easy to forget that each one of these is a fair bit of work all by itself.

It is exciting to me that this is already 40 out of the year. That only means that we will have 80 left - but be sure that while showing you these, I do have more than this finished.

For example, I just took a break to go outside and take down a quilt off the line - and that means I’ve got the first 4 photographed (and dried outside) of the next ten. However more, are actually finished and dried and just waiting for their pictures. Then there’s a pile on the floor where the cat likes to sleep of unwashed but finished quilts.

I am trying to make the scrappy bindings a good match. That means, as I bring the quilts upstairs to my sewing room, I am looking at the colors of the quilt I have - and then I choose those colors of fabrics to make bindings. I’m trying to make 4 bindings a day though at the beginning I made a bunch - and then finish 4 a day completely.

If I can finish 4 a day (skipping Sundays), I should be able to pretty much finish in a month.

Obviously I can do more than 4 but I do notice when I try to do too many in a day - as the hefting of the quilt up on the table and guiding it as most of that happens with my left hand - makes me feel my left wrist. (Not hurt - just feel. I’ve enjoyed not having any of those issues this year when quilting all these quilts and I don’t want to bring problems on myself.)

When I do put them out on the floor in such a nice, neat stack, I cover them with a sheet or blanket or piece of fabric to keep the cat from sleeping on them after they are washed and before they are taken to the church building.

All ten in one picture.

And there you go.

Thank you so much for coming along with me.

I did not get all these taken to the church. I hope to take them on Sunday when I’ll have help getting them up to the room upstairs. :) I’ve found that makes it go so much easier on me when I have a lot of arms and legs - and all are younger than mine - to help carry these things upstairs.

Becky Petersen2 Comments