Quilted Twins

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It's Finally Fall!

We’ve had some warm weather for us for fall!

This is another “not quilting” blog post - but never fear - every day I’m spending HOURS on binding, washing, photographing and cutting…just not ready to show you yet.

I decided to order some straw bales (never done that before) and they arrived after my husband left. Yes, I had them shipped via courier! It seems strange to me to do that, but it was offered and I did it.

I wanted to set up a display in the front of our yard and use the straw, mums, and pumpkins from the garden.

Once I opened the plastic - and had the straw bales out in the open.

So here it is.

I am going to go over and cut some corn stalks down as well. I’ve finished taking all the corn from the first part that I planted in early June - so I can go ahead and cut down those stalks.

Anyway, I bought 7 different mum plants - varying from about $4 to almost $10. Looking at them, the almost $10 one was probably the better deal! :) Anyway, the biggest one was the most expensive. I did transplant the smaller ones into larger pots so they would hold more water - less chance of drying out between watering, that way! (Obviously!)

I will need to take another photo when I don’t have a quilt on the line behind this. :)

I was in a building supply store the other day and they had the little Jack-Be-Little pumpkins for sale individually. They want over $2 for each little one. That’s quite a lot, but then they aren’t very common here.

I bought 7 different colors of mums. I did transplant several of them into larger pots so they would not dry out so quickly, however.

While I have not finished harvesting all of the pumpkins yet, I do have most of them on this side of the yard - and most of them are not particularly large. This is a good representation of them!

I’ve not actually made such a “fall composition” in literally about 20 years.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this quick break from quilting - but it’s definitely turning into fall here in Poland - Finally. After the next little warm blip through Thursday, we will have a definite lowering of our daily temps so the highs will be right about 70F instead of 80F or above! That will be nice. “They say” October will be warmer than normal, but by November, we will be back to normal temperatures.

So there you are. I spent some time this afternoon washing quilts, taking some photos and setting up this display.

Maybe I’m just hoping that we will get some cooler weather to go with this display!

Thanks again for coming along with me on this journey!

Oh - and I’ve harvested at least 70 pumpkins so far - but maybe 15 are the very small ones. But I still have quite a few small ones left on the vines as well! A few big ones too. I’ve been bringing them over gradually - except for the last few days. Maybe I’m running out of steam. But this year, they are ripening up perfectly!

Have a great day wherever you are reading!

(Once the display has run its course, I’ll just put the straw in the garden - adding some more plant material to my very sandy soil.)

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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