A Quilt for Laurence
I knew I had to come up with something for my grandson! I was bringing quilts over for the girls and I needed something for him. He’s old enough now so that he would know he wasn’t getting anything if all the other kids got something. Evelyn at a few months old doesn’t care. Promise.
I had brought back this cute bundle pack with the intention of making something for him.
Construction Zone by Henry Glass - 8 piece half yard bundle pack. I also had the panel and the pillow panels
So I did.
I didn’t use the bundle up - not at all, but I did use the panel and some of the accompanying fabrics. I think I should be able to incorporate the rest of the fabrics into another quilt for him - at a later date as the fabrics will still be applicable.
I went simple. At his age, complexity is wasted. Plus, I’m pushing against the time with all I’m trying to do. But honestly, even if I had started this one last summer, I still would have kept it simple.
So here it is.
Because they are in Florida and this one is big enough for his bed, I made it with cotton batting. It just gets so warm there that sometimes that’s all they need. They don’t need big, puffy and warm.
I also just did plain stippling with the long arm. I realized a few quilts ago that I was now an expert at loops - both small and large and I can do curls and swirls pretty well. BUT STIPPLING. It’s actually harder than loops. I decided I should go ahead and do a few quilts with it - not only is it fast, but I really do want to learn how to make a pretty stipple or meandering quilting stitch.
I bound it with some of the leftovers from the fabrics I had used from the top. Overall, this one was very fast. Due to the shortness of time from when I finished it to when I want to pack, I didn’t wash it before photographing it or packing it. It’s going “brand new” if I can call it that.
Overall I’m very happy with it and it should do very nicely for a young boy who loves to get into things. At least with these trucks and construction equipment he won’t be digging up the yard and bringing dirt into the house - both things which are normal for young children, I might add.
I did make up two pillow covers from the panels that came with the set as well and will get the forms once I’m there in Florida.
The backing - I used this very large car print. The print is so large, it is really only good for backings.
All I did really was use some red and blue and put borders around it. I used larger strips of fabric above those pieces. Then I put a row of squares that are cut into 5.5” squares.
I wanted to use a variety of fabrics. I decided to just stop after that border of squares and put red and then blue so that it didn’t get crazy busy looking.
This one is big enough for his bed if they choose to use it that way.
The colors are fantastic and I really do like them!
I didn’t take much time to make this top, but I hope he likes it. I think it is appropriate for a 2 year old.
I do have some leftover from the quilt so I hope to use them in possibly another boy quilt for Laurence in the future! Can’t wait!
And that’s what I did for Laurence. I hope he likes his quilt! I’ll let you know!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
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