That Gift Quilt

I had almost forgotten about this quilt in my efforts to just get well again. Once I landed back in Poland in early April, I was just sort of here.

I had put this quilt out of my mind.

I’ll remind you.

I made a top for a friend of ours who had been a missionary in the Caribbean Islands.

I don’t know if you remember but a few years ago I decided that I would try to make one quilt a year for people who were in the ministry - or at least had been in full time ministry at one point. Many of our friends are compensated way below what they could make “out there” if I can say that. Anyway, our friend had indicated an interest in quilting and quilts, etc. I don’t think I’ve always succeeded in this personal goal.

So, while I was in Florida, I made this top for my friend and her husband. :)

Then, we had it sent to one of the long-armers that we use while in Florida (Diane Hissong) and she quilted it. She sent me a couple of pictures along the way.

I also made some pillowcases for them that coordinated.

Eventually after I came back to Poland, Rachael graciously packed up the whole works, included a note for our friend, and shipped it off!

Rachael also took pictures of it on her guest bed. she also gave me some more closeups of some of the blocks.

When our friend got it - she wrote both Rachael and me and said she was so touched.

She said it fit her king size bed perfectly!

Of course, I am happy about that! This is on her bed! I don’t think I realized how big it actually was!

I just guessed on the size - and tend to make that big queen size quilt - which I guess also fits a king!

I just wanted to share with you all the end of the story!

We are always excited when a recipient loves their quilts. I know I love seeing and hearing about it from others so I figured you’d like to hear about it as well!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!