Challenge Quilt entries, pt 1 - quilts

Quilted Twins had our first ever Challenge quilt during the summer of 2024. We sold a litlte pack of fabric for $25 and asked people to make something quilted with it.

We got a variety of entries.

We’ll separate them into two categories - “Quilts” and “Other Things”.

The first set of items are here…There are some real gems here.

We appreciate everyone who sent in a quilt/bed runner/table runner for us all to enjoy.

The variety was fantastic and it was nice to see the ideas you all had. We were impressed!

Many of you included sweet notes in your entries telling us how much you enjoyed doing the challenge, and how much you learned from it and you hope we can do it again soon!

Thank you!

Note - Rachael has been quite sick lately - something undiagnosed - and has resulted in her exhaustion. Because of that, we are behind on deciding winners - but the entrires have all be noted, photographed and will be in the process of being returned very soon along with a special thank you for entering!

We do appreciate all of you who have played along with this challenge.

I hope you all can enjoy all the beauty we are.

Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Becky Petersen2 Comments