The FINAL batch of the Digital Quilt Tops

I am finally getting to show you the final batch of the digital quilt tops that we got in this past summer. It’s been crazy, what with hurricanes and right after that, the Houston Quilt market, which I still haven’t had time to write up, due to the hurricane craziness.. (just ask those of us drastically affected by it why it’s messed with us).. and then we all have taken turns with a horrific case of the flu.

Thankfully, none of us have had it at the same time.

But, it’s time to get these Digital Quilt tops to you to see!

So, these are numbers #191-#218.

You can click on the pictures and it will take you to the page where this top is.


There’s a lot to absorb here and if you want to practice your quilting - well, here’s your chance to make a finished quilt top that is beautiful at a minimum cost!

Thanks so much for coming along with us here at Quilted Twins.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Becky PetersenComment