Working Behind the Scenes

Today the store wasn’t open and so I could concentrate on helping Rachael get some things ready for the Daytona Quilt Show held in a couple of weeks as we are going to vend there. It is kind of an experiment. We may never do it again, but we thought we’d give it a try when Rachael was asked to come.

But I also helped get some of the kits ready for the All Florida Shop Hop.

I know it doesn’t sound like much, but I worked reasonably hard from about 8:30 am til about 5:45 pm with a break for lunch about 1 pm when my husband and I went to get something to eat. (I had gotten up early and worked on a pattern for over an hour before breakfast as we eat with mom and she doesn’t get up as early as we normally did in Poland.)

Pastel Paradise

I bagged up, priced and sealed 20 of the Pastel Paradise kits we are selling. Obviously you don’t have to be from Florida to buy one of those.


Then, I kitted up another 24 of the Crossbody Walking bags we are selling during the Shop Hop.

This involved cutting the fabric, fleece and then bagging it and putting in the pattern (after printing them) and pricing them. It all takes a bit of time.

Together Rachael and I cut 64 bolts of fabric into 126 half yard bundle packs - each pack contains 17 pieces. Rachael can cut through those 17 pieces of fabric—which is 34 layers—much more easily than I can!

However, we did change the blade twice. Here at the store they use the 60 mm Fiskars ergonomic style cutter and the blades that we sell. They are good ones, for sure!

It is far better to change the blade often for a fresh and sharp cut than to have another accident like she had a year ago when she cut herself.


Later in the day I took two loads of empties to the dumpster.

Then I folded more patterns and got them ready for the next time I get a chance to make some more kits.

All in all, it was a very busy day, but I think, productive. I also filled some bins of product in the store to get ready for tomorrow’s store opening.


But other than that, I didn’t do too much. I hope to get some sewing in in a few minutes while listening to something fun and relaxing on You Tube. (Not sure yet what…as I’ve been watching a lot of Border Security episodes lately - both US and Australia). :)

So, I’ll check back in with you on Monday. Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey.

Becky Petersen1 Comment