Quilted Twins

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More on the Fair!!! Would you like to help?

We can use help with the Pasco County Fair for those of you who are local!

We are accepting quilts and other handicrafts to the fair - Thursday in Dade City. Bring them to the store from 10 am to 3 pm - and we can get them to the fair.

Or on Friday and Saturday you can take them directly to the fairgrounds in Dade City and go to Collura Cottage between 9 am and 3 pm. They will tell you what to do and how to enter there. They have the forms you need.

Let the people in our area see your handiwork!

It’s a community effort and a great thing to see what others in our area are doing!

Don’t think that your work is too small or insignificant or of poor quality to show. If you read my blog, you probably do fine work. :) LOL How’s that for bias?

And that’s not all!

We also need volunteers for the week of the fair to be hosts and hostesses!

You will be in Collura Cottage at the Fairgrounds.

What does that involve?

Well, you sign up for a slot from 4-7 pm or 7-10 pm (You can leave at 9 pm). As a thank you for helping as a hostess you get in to the fair for free and you can walk around for a bit when you aren’t on as hostess and see the other sights of the fair. That’s your perk!

It is a volunteer position - but one that involves just being friendly, saying hello to people and sitting in these chairs and making sure people don’t walk off with our exhibits!

Hostesses sit in these rocking chairs and greet people. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Here are some more pictures from other years.

If you want to volunteer, give us a text at 352-507-8458 and tell us which day and time slot you can fill. Or come in and see us at the store on Thursday or Saturday of this week.

The Pasco County Fair is the 17th-23rd of February, 2025. We need help all of those days!

Please consider it! You will enjoy it even if you are a person who isn’t an extrovert. I’m sure there are things you can do and the time will fly by. Maybe you and a friend can work together.

Thanks for considering it.

I’ve got to get my own two quilts to the store so they can get entered.


These are the two I’m putting in.

Both are Lori Holt designs and use mostly her fabrics. I say mostly because they each use other fabrics as well - but I tried to match the style and/or general coloration feel for them.

I have so many more I want to make!

Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Feel free to browse the site.

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