Working again at the shop
Today I spent a while a the shop helping customers and then I helped cut some kits for Rachael and plan for some upcoming things.
And that’s all I really did. But I did it pretty much all day.
I actually worked on these kits the other day. Today were some different ones - but I failed to take pictures today.
I did some sewing this morning and evening - but nothing I’m ready to show you yet. Eventually you should see it all - but for now it’s not really something I can share. I’m sorry!
The weather here in Florida has turned hot again - so that’s something I am really not used to yet again. We had some reprieve from hot weather through the first part of January.
But now we return to summer! We’ve got to get used to this heat again! Mom keeps her house pretty warm. :)
But that’s all for now. I’m working all the time now - hopefully soon something to show you!
Thanks again.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.