Favorite Small Projects

The fair is upon us here soon in Pasco County.

As such my mind has gone to “small quilted projects”.

What type of small quilted projects do you like to do?

Do you like to make -

  • quilted hot mitts?

  • placemats?

  • cosmetic bags?

  • table topper quilts?

  • mini wall hanging?

  • mug rugs?

or something else?

What do YOU like to make?

I’ve actually not made most of the things listed - with the exception of cosmetic bags. I have made plenty of cosmetic bags!

In fact, this year, Rachael and crew needed more small things for the fair, so I sent over some of the little cosmetic bags I made as hostess gifts for when we travel. I’ll get them back before we head off to the north.

In fact, I gave her a nesting set - all with Polish folk design fabric.

Do you remember? I made these back in November, I think. No, it was September, I just had to go find my pictures.

Today in the store, I was busy working on more kits - some Flossy the Flamingo kits and Beaded Lanterns - both of which we carry in the store and on line.

Then I did help some with cutting briefly while the store was open. However, when things went quiet I went back to the chop shop area and worked there for a while- moving a few things around PLUS prepping for the kits. I also started making more of the Crossbody bag kits.

And that’s really all I got done. I had the desire to get more done, but somehow it wasn’t quite as profitable a day as I had hoped. Oh well, some days are like that.

Let me know what are your favorite “small projects” - I would really like to know!!!

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Becky Petersen4 Comments