Progress on Granny Squares

Granny Squares hasn’t made a lot of progress.

I did put one side of the sashing on each block. That is progress.

I need to take them to the iron and iron them. I am not going to do a Lori Holt on these and press open, however.

The cornerstones fit so nicely when I can press the sashing and cornerstones “opposite” as they nest so well.

I did begin the strip piecing of the sashing/cornerstone strips. Those are all sitting on the ironing board.

I got a bit sidetracked with sewing some things for the shop and put that project to the side. However, I’m grabbing it back and going to try to get at least 30 min a day on that project this week so that I can see some progress!

I really want to see it finished! I brought those blocks with me in my suitcase in order to get that top done while I was here and not so that I could take it back as blocks. I might take the top back with me as a finished top, or I might get it finished by one our long armer friends here in the US. That hasn’t been decided yet.

Anyway, small steps. This is a small step.

So, rejoice that I did make that progress. Note - I did decide against blue sashing as I just couldn’t find something that struck me. I did find this, one (shown above) that I believe works very well with what I have.

By next report I want to have my sashing strips made and at least 1/3 of the blocks together - preferably half of the rows made.

To remind you if you are new here - I’m working on a Granny Squares quilt made out of 1” finished squares with the blocks being 6-1/2” square and I’m using mostly Lori Holt fabrics - or at least things that go well with her fabrics. The layout will be like this:

I had a time deciding on sashing and cornerstones. That’s why I decided to bring the whole thing to the states so I could find those fabrics here.

So time to finish this up!

Here’s to getting that done. :) That’s why I decided to write about it as if I know I am going to write about it, I will make it top priority to get it done - so I can show you progress!

Becky Petersen4 Comments