Small Granny Squares update
I did have time to work on this quilt top- and since it is one I’m in love with, I had no problem spending time doing it. I love granny squares of all types and am eager to see this one finished. I’m also interested in making another one but using the granny squares that are twice as big. However, I won’t do that one right now. I could make granny squares in every form.
I will update on our stay at Daytona Beach - but not today. I got back at about 8 pm on Saturday, safe and sound, for which I’m grateful. I then got to bed in good time for a decent night’s rest.
Then we had to get up early and head to a church in Tampa for a report - we left at 7:30 am.
Anyway, I did have some time to get these strips together, and then pressed and finally, half of them are now put together. I have am not really half finished, in constructing the top, however, because I still have the border to put on when I finish the center of the top.
So here is the progress I’ve made so far.
Enjoy! This one is going to be so pretty!
And yes, I originally wanted blue sashing- I really did, however, the lack of blues in the top, compared to greens and blue/greens led me to use greens for the sashing and cornerstones.
And I love it!
I hope you do as well. When I finish this one, it is going to be stunning! :)
Once again, when making these, I used up 1.5” squares from Lori Holt fabrics OR fabrics that had a similar colorway.
It’s certainly a happy quilt so far!
I’ll do my best to get Daytona talked about here on the blog - we got quite a few pictures and not a few stories!
Thanks again for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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