We're on Our Way!
You all know we are in Florida for an extended period of time so that we can visit mom and also (the primary reason) to visit many of our supporting churches.
We have been going to the ones in Florida- reporting back for a bit now, and now we are on our way farther north.
Because of this, my blog posts may be difficult to write - all depends on my internet situation.
Trying to write while on the road is difficult for me! Bear with me!
I know that it is easier to write them when I’m at a computer, than on my tablet. However, I will do my best to keep up with them.
I’ll try to share where we are and what I’m up to. However, it will probably be a little slim on quilting news.
We’ll see.
I’m hoping to take a sewing machine with me, and maybe I’ll surprise myself with what I’m able to get done.
I have written some blog posts ahead of time or at least taken pictures of things I want to write about while on the road.
Usually when I travel I write a bunch of posts ahead of time, but I’ve been so flat out busy that it is hard to do that- or has been here in Florida as I’ve been trying to help prepare for the Shop Hop so much.
I’ve mostly be making kits which involves designing, sewing and making patterns for several quilts. Then, lastly, making the kits is no easy matter of time and commitment. All of these things are happening with the store open. I try to not be in the store if I can get by with it as they function without me here. Why? Because if I can be preparing kits or preparing things for the Shop Hop, it is like giving Rachael and extra set of hands in preparation.
Anyway - I wanted to share with you all some pictures - just to show you that we ARE visiting churches. I don’t always get a chance to take pictures inside the church building. I try to be discreet and depending on where I sit, I can do it in a less obvious way sometimes.
So there you are….we’re on our way north now. Maybe we’ll see you! :)
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.