On the Road again

In the past, when I knew I was going to be on the road for a few days I worked ahead and did blog posts that were able to be made regardless of the day.

However, this time, I was unable to get that far ahead and now I find myself behind, because once again, we are on the road.

This time, however, we are flying. We flew from TPA to ATL and then MKE which is Milwaukee, WI.

I picked up these small scissors at Dollar Tree so if I lost them, I didn’t have a lot invested in traveling scissors!

I did grab my cross stitch project and crochet project and brought it with me. I was hoping for a chance to do some more while here.

I have been very tired, and so yesterday we rested in the evening. I was able to get some crocheted blocks done-- or at least up to the last round which will all be the same color. I left that color in Florida.

I got to wondering how many blocks it is going to take. Each of these squares is about 5” and I don’t think I’ll lose too much when putting them together, so at a minimum, I will start with 100 squares so that it will be 50x50. But in truth, I’m sure I will want at least 120 (10x12 )squares or maybe even up to 11x13 or so. We’ll see. I am sure I have collected enough yarn over the places I’ve been.

So, here is what I worked on last night.

I left all the rest of the squares in Florida as we are traveling this leg with only a carry on.

I have a few completely finished squares that I showed you before and I think there are another 14 that are ready for the last round. There are 8 here - which means there are about 22 ready for the last round plus I think the 12 I showed you before. If I am going for 100 squares, this means that almost 1/3 of them are almost done. However….I’m not ready to be almost done or even halfway done with this project. I know that crochet is much slower than quilting and I’m willing for this project to take a while.

I’m coming along. I’m hoping to be able to get some more done on the last part of this trip - trying to use my time wisely. Once back in Florida I will probably not be able to sit and do this kind of thing as easily. Maybe.

We’ll see.

We fly back on Monday and then I should be able to get back to work as normal. I am learning to use this tablet, but it’s still not as easy as a desktop for me. Plus, I did leave my hard drive with all my files and most of my pictures there in Florida so that I didn’t inadvertently leave it somewhere. That would be disaster.

Totally not quilt related - our hotel’s breakfast area - very nice, in my opinion!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.

Oh, and I checked for quilt shops around us and there are none in the town where we are staying, but about 6 or 8 within an hour or so. Hopefully that shows an active and healthy quilting community.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

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