Digital Quilt Tops are NOT cheating! They are HELPING!

In July Cheryl was cleaning up in the back room, and informed me that we had gathered quite a few of the Digital Quilt Tops that I either buy from the manufacturers when I purchase fabric or that we are sent from a variety of companies when we get specific fabrics.

We offered these to you at a fabulous price, and though we only had one of each, you all snagged them all up from 6 a.m. until 4 p.m. that same day

I decided at that time that I’d see if we could find more.

However, trying to get these loose from manufacturers, at times, felt like I was trying to pry that proverbial much beloved toy from a toddler’s hand. Either they felt them too valuable to sell to me at an affordable price, or they simply refused.

However, I was finally able to talk to our rep from Quilting Treasures, and we negotiated a deal for a pallet of these beauties! I was thrilled! I bought them totally sight unseen! I had no idea which ones, how big, and definitely NOT how many. I paid the bill, and awaited the boxes.

However, when we got the pallet in, we did not even open the boxes, because we had so much going on, and I felt like garbage. (This was back in July or early August, I believe).

However, I knew there were goodies in there that you all could use for Christmas presents, or wall hanginging or other things. However, I really had no clue what we had. So, last week, we decided to dive in and we opened half of the boxes.

Then, I was really, to use your term when you walk into the store, “OVERWHELMED.”


I decided to eat this elephant one bite at a time! But I needed to start biting! So, this weekend, we dove in and put the first 30 of these up, so you could get started!

I see a huge value in you all being able to have these digital quilt tops that are in essence like a giant panel, with a beautiful picture of what is a finished quilt! They range in size from 40” to 75” inches in either direction. Some are as large as a twin size quilt!

I see several very good reasons to purchase yourself a quilt top or two.

First of all, it’s less expensive than piecing your own top.

Secondly, there are no mistakes in these tops. You won’t stare at it, regret it and/or decide that you need to rip it all out and start over again, like my twin did on a top that she was making.

Thirdly, you don’t have to wait to finish it, run out of fabric, run back to the fabric store (Though we do so love to see you), and then go back home again and finish up.

Fourthly, you can practice your quilting.

When you all get a new embroidery machine, and realize that you can quilt on your embroidery machine, then you want to practice it! No need for it to cost you an arm and a leg to develop your skills.

In the store, we are finding that more and more of you all are purchasing your very own longarms. When you do that, you also need something to practice on. These are PERFECT for that! Whether you buy one with a computer or do it manually, this is a fabulous way to go!

Then, some of you love to hand quilt. You don’t love to piece, but you do love to hand quilt. These are perfect for that, creating lots of beautiful quilts with the time needed to piece your top!

Then, there are those of who follow Youtubers, who do amazing quilting with their domestic machines! These tops are perfect for you to get a project done quickly, while developing your ability to use your own domestic machine beyond what you ever dreamed you could do!

These are some you get to look forward to!

We are putting up 30 of these quilt tops for you!

When they fall off, they are gone!

They are just $30 each, no matter how large.

Some are the size of full size or twin size beds!

I am incredibly pleased to be able to offer these to you all for your projects!


Here are all the digital quilt tops we have currently. Just order off this page!

We hope you can find something you can use! These would also make fantastic charity quilts!

Thanks again so much for coming along with us on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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