Quilted Twins

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Simply Irish Chain

A few years ago a friend made some tops for me and I sold them via a forum I was a member of (for her - I didn't make anything on it - in fact, I think I lost a little on each due to Paypal and shipping costs - one just trying to help her).  I stopped that because it was costing me too much to do it and I felt like I couldn't give her what her time was worth.

 Does it help that I taught her how to do patchwork - and the Irish Chain was the first and main design she made for me and I sold for her.

Anyway, I kept this pink and white Irish chain - didn't sell it as a top (we were selling the tops for only about $35 each) as I wanted to finish it myself and sell it as a finished quilt.

Back then it was just an idea, but that idea has finally come to fruition!

This one is going in the "shop" section of this website - maybe someone here can use it.

If you buy a quilt from that section of the website, the process go to helping my second daughter finish college - she's majoring in engineering and because she changed her major in her junior year, she has to go an extra 3 semesters. She's taking summer courses and lots of courses in order to do this, so any extra money I can channel her way is helpful.

So, be sure to check out the "quilts" section under SHOP if you are looking to buy a quilt as a gift. Maybe, just maybe, there is something there just perfect for you!

The back of this quilt is a beautiful variegated/mottled print in pinks, whites and a darker pink along with some blue..



And just because we have such a beautiful setting for my finished quilts, I'll end with this picture!

I trust you have a wonderful day, wherever this finds you reading!

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