"Strings 2" - strings project update
Strings 1 or "Strings on Display"
Before we went on our last trip to the states - I was working each weekend on a strings project. I decided to start this because my strings and crumbs were just sitting there - and nothing was ever going OUT of the bags - just IN.
To help you understand me a bit better - well, strings and I aren't good friends. Or at least they haven't been. I've seen quite a few strings projects and I have at least one book with patterns in it entirely devoted to strings. Most of them don't strike my fancy enough for me to make them. Not when I've got a mental list about 100 quilts ahead of what I'm currently working on.
However, I decided to force myself to work on using them for at least a couple of hours some time on each weekend. I figured that eventually I'll see something happen.
And so it has.
I've finished one quilt so far. That's one quilt more than I would have made from my strings had I not started this project.
Strings 2 layout
My second one is in the works.
14 more blocks for Strings 2
I need 56 of the chain blocks - and I had made some before we left in July. I only got 14 of the alternating chain blocks made this weekend, so I believe I have a total of 52 - I need 56 - so I'm almost done. Maybe next time I'll get some sashing strips cut and applied after making those last 4 chain blocks.I also need to find fabric for and cut the side setting triangles.
I'm excited about this one and how it will look when finished. And I'm starting to think seriously about attempting an applique quilt with those butterflies. Remember them?
This is what the butterflies look like!
Butterflies made from strings blocks - made fabric
Number 3 - is already planned - and I am thinking it will look like this - but this isn't in stone yet. I'll probably just make the square string blocks first and then work from there.
And now you know.
It's really quite hot here in Poland - so hot it is somewhat hard to be too inspired to do anything "very hard".
But this is is my plan as to how I will march on in my effort to use up my strings.
Crumbs will be on the docket pretty soon as well. Well, actually I've made one other crumbs quilt - I called it Crumb Pizzazz and it looks like this -
Crumb Pizzazz
While you are here, feel free to check out the deals my sister has for you in the shop!
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