Strings/crumbs project update

As you know, I've been trying to work on strings and/or crumbs every weekend for at least one decent session.

I've been seemingly unable to concentrate well these last few days. I've had to be aware of what my husband needs at any moment.  As he gets feeling better, he is doing a bit more for himself, but there is still a lot to take care of that he normally takes care of.

Two parallel blocks of red fabric in triangles forming squares sitting on top of a quilt cutting board. Scrap strips were sewn together to form triangles which are matched diagnally by solid red triangular fabric.

I had previously shown Strings 3 quilt top that I wanted to make. However, I've changed my mind about number 3.

I've decided to try to make something with these - I'm going to make some hourglass blocks with strings and red. 

Today I made only 2 hourglass blocks, but I prepared several so that in the future I can finish them up.

Here is a breakdown of what I did.

Example of block of fabric: horizontally sewn toghether strips of scrap fabric in the following order: checkered maron and burgandy fabric, sky blue with white cloudy streak fabric, green floral fabric, dark burgundy fabric, pink with white circles …

Made 6 10" square strings blocks straight up and down. I used a background fabric as my base.


scrap fabric block on top of green quilting cutting board. Fabric strips are aligned horizontally in the following way: navyish blue fabric, skyblue and faded slightly resembling snowflakes fabric, solid black or dark brown fabric (its disputed), fl…

Trimmed to 9.5"

Previously mentioned fabric, stacked next to a stack of red fabric all on top of a green cutting quilting cutting board

Cut matching red pieces 9.5" square.


Red triangular fabric on top of colorful owl ironing board

Pressed the red squares in half diagonally.

Red square of fabric on top of green quilting cutting board, with ruler placed across diagnolly and a cutter sitting next to the fabric.

Matched up a red block with a string block (9.5"). Sewed on each side of the pressed line.

Cut red triangular, half squares sewn to scrap triangular block

Cut apart.

Folded sewn fabric on top of white sewing machine

Press and then match up two of those pieces, only making them opposite.

Square red block with half square triangle white block with lines drawn across on top of half of red block, all sitting on top of green quilting cutting board

Draw a line with a pen or pencil across  the diagonal. Sew on each side of the line.

Two square blocks one position atop another on top of the green quilting cutting board red triangular half squares opposite each other revealing that the two pieces of fabric could be pasted together to reveal the lines match.

Cut on your drawn line.

You have a finished hourglass block.

These are probably going to end up trimmed down to 8". I'll decide for sure after I make 30 or so.


I started to make some more 10" string blocks, but I didn't finish most of them. But hopefully next time I get to work on these goodies.

Somewhat partially finished 10" string blocks

Somewhat partially finished 10" string blocks

Then, I came to the computer to work on a design that I could live with using these hourglass blocks with red.

I think I like what I've got, but I'll wait a few days or weeks before showing it - I'd like to look at it on a different day before I show it publicly.

One comment about making straight up and down 10" string blocks - making diagonal blocks uses strings of various lengths-  more so than these blocks that are straight up and down. So, making diagonal blocks is easier!

Be sure to check out what goodies my sis has for you!



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