"It's OUR birthday!" We're celebrating!


It's our birthday! Yes, today, August 2, 1962 is the date we were born - 56 years ago.

I thought I'd get Rachael to find a few pictures of us when we were little kids - just so you could see how similar we looked! Thankfully she did a super nice job. Mom has all these photos - so Rachael had to go over and choose a few from the books of albums she has.

It's funny how people celebrate the birthday of the person as if they actually did something to have that date! Actually, the moms are the ones who should get the congrats!

Anyway, mom said we were born a month early - but already weighed over 5 lbs. each. There were no twins on either side of her family as far as she knew.

You can see that we looked very similar. 


I suppose the logical question you have for me, Becky, is this, "Can you tell yourselves apart in these pictures"? Well, I can always pick out Rachael in the picture and by default, obviously, I'm the other one.


But wait! I didn't just want to show you the pictures of when we were small!

We're having a BIRTHDAY SPECIAL!

From now until Sunday night, August 5, midnight, if you spend $30 at the store (not counting shipping), you will get one yard of solid colored fabric FREE.  If you spend $56, you will get 2 yards.  (That's because we are now 56 years old!)

Be sure to go check out the store and see if there is something you would like!  My sis will be working like crazy to get up new fabrics and this promotion is from now til midnight, August 5, 2018! Maybe you should just stock up on backing fabrics. You always need those!

If you are facebook, be sure to check out the Quilted Twins - Scrap Quilting and more with Becky group - we'll be having 2 contests a day from Thursday-Sunday - your chance to win some free fabric or other prizes simply by entering!

I trust you have a great day, wherever you are reading this!

Here's the Polish birthday song

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin. :) : : Sto Lat : : Sto lat, sto lat, niech żyją, żyją nam Sto lat, sto lat, niech żyją, żyją nam Jeszcze raz, jeszcze raz, niech żyją, żyją nam Niech żyją nam!

The song simply says, "100 years, 100 years, may you live to 100 years."

Have a great day!