"Simply Double Nines" - upcycled blues top #50 finished

Here it is. Upcycled blues top #50.

I’m stopping here. I’m taking my sis’s advice and throwing the remaining blues that are big enough to use into the box and I can pull them back out for use with purples if I so desire. I’ve had these long enough and I’m tired of looking at them!

As you look at this one, you realize it’s actually not mostly blues. But it did take over 300 small 9 patches. They are 3.5”.

Many of my pieces that I have left now are quite small. I suppose, actually, I could do my mosaic pattern using 1.5” strips - maybe I’ll do it with blues and greens or (blues/greens/purples) as I finish up greens - as that is the next set of upcycleds I want to work on whittling down. I want each color to fit easily into 2 boxes. My greens currently fit into two boxes, but I keep finding bags of greens in various places and the boxes are crammed so full that I can’t put those bags into them. So, time to use them up!

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I really don’t think this needs a pattern!

Here’s the layout “pattern” if you want it.

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The individual 9 patches are made from 1.5” squares - I strip pieced as much as I could though most of my strips were quite short.

I used a 4.5” cut border. The big squares are 9.5” cut and the 9 patch of 9 patches is also 9.5” square - before being sewn into the top, of course. After all sewing is done, the squares are 9”.

In theory at least.

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Here is the EQ mockup -

eq mockup.jpg
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And now you know! I’ve got to get busy, find some backings, make them and get to quilting before I can declare this series finished!

If you want to see this series from start to finish - at least all of the tops, you can find them here!


Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen2 Comments