A Simple Gift

A lady friend that I’ve known for several years now had a couple of plaid skirts from her mom. When she was getting rid of them, I snagged them and told her I could make her a quilt out of them - as there was a lot of material in each one.

And I thought it would be pretty.

She said, “Sure.”

I kind of hid those two skirts from myself a while ago now, but I uncovered them a few months ago. I decided to just go ahead and make that quilt up. It had to be simple and I didn’t want to add other fabrics.

It’s simple. Very, very simple.

It will go in the column as a charity quilt, but it is a kind of combo gift/charity quilt. I don’t normally choose the recipients for charity quilts - as in make something specifically for someone.

That would not be a good idea, would it? (To take requests for charity quilts, that is)

Anyway, here it is.


All I did was make big squares from the skirts - thankfully they were a large size and pleated so there was a lot of fabric. I cut out 8.5” squares, I believe, and used 2.5” sashing strips. then, to make it a tad bit more interesting, I added those pink and blue borders.

I happen to know she loves that hot pink color!


For the binding I used the four colors in the plaids - pink/blue/green and purple.

The backing

The backing

I worked hard at using a larger stipple. I wanted to see if I could do it. I actually find it harder now to do a large meander/stipple than a medium size loop. So, I was trying to improve my skills!

I hope to get this one packed up and mailed to this lady. She has moved to about an hour away from here so I’ll mail it off to her.

I wanted to point out, too, that I don’t believe “every quilt has to be a masterpiece”. There is a place for simple quilts.

This one is about meaning. The plaid skirts will have meaning to my friend.

I hope she likes it!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!


Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen2 Comments