"Autumn something" top finished - fall colored upcycled top nr. 3
Please help!
This is the third “autumn colored” quilt top made this year out of upcycled/recycled fabrics.
I need a name - ideas?
One of the beauties, or frustrations, about working with upcycleds/recycleds is that you literally work with what you have. If you run out of something, you ‘make do’ or use something that is close but not the same.
This happened with my background/sashing strips. There are actually three shades of off white in the sashing strips - just one is lighter than the other. I’m trying to tell myself that it is charming. Actually, I do really think it is. The color variation will be less noticeable once I quilt it. Of that I am pretty sure.
These are more bear paw blocks - and a chain block.
It’s actually simple. What makes this one different is the blank square before the outer setting triangle block which has a darker background for the chain block. Then, I carefully - oh, so carefully, sewed along those setting triangle blocks to get what looks like a sawtoothed edge. Then I put on an outer border.
The blank squares and the sashing give plenty of visual rest for your (my) eyes to enjoy the blocks without trying to compete with busy-ness. There are times I like “busy” in a quilt, and times I like “a rest”. I suppose you’ve noticed that by now if you’ve been following me for any time at all!
I do really like it. It’s really quite simple.
I suppose that’s the beauty of it.
My husband commented on this one and how much he liked it as he headed down the stairs - actually several times - as it was lying on the floor for a couple of days.
I’ll take that stray thread off while quilting. I didn’t see it there until I was looking at it on my computer in full size! Oh well!
If you have a name suggestion, please put it below. I’m all ears!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!
Price is by the Yard.