2019 Charity Quilts #111-120


Finished! What a relief!


Here are the next ten finished charity quilts. They are the last for the year 2019.

I took the last 20 at the same time. Here they are, all 20 of them!


Then I have to take them to the church building and put them in the storage area. I am planning a give away probably early February. I haven’t nailed down a date yet. (I make the decision about that.)


We didn’t remodel this area of the building, so we just put our sign on an un-remodeled door!


This is what you see when you open the door now.


The final summary photo for now! I am hoping to add 10 to this in January so that the pile will be even more. There are probably around 150 quilts in here.


I have used up about all of my easy to use striped fabric for these bindings. As you can see I have advanced to using checked such as gingham. It also looks pretty cool!


Obviously I enjoy looking at them. I appreciate everyone who has helped me - everything from giving tops to giving money on the site (under the free patterns) so I can buy more batting, to encouragement in blog posts and Facebook comments. Many of have helped get these together in a very real, physical way!

Thank you so much!


And that’s all for this year with regards to charity quilt pictures!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen4 Comments