My recent "folk" purchases

I responded to an ad that I saw for 30% off calendars in my Facebook feed. Yes. I did. Do you ever wonder if anyone ever does respond to a Facebook ad? Actually I’ve bought from this company before - so it’s not as if I just “found them” via a Facebook ad. I’ve gone from time time to browse their site. Maybe that’s why I got the ad in my feed!


I got my order and I am delighted with what I got. I wanted to share with you.

I ordered 2 calendars. One of them has 3 different months on it visible at once. These are common over here and I really like them.


The other calendar is big - bigger than I thought it would be. In fact, I was delighted. I thought I’d share with you the months and the designs that are on the calendar. I’ll find a spot on the wall in my sewing room where I can enjoy the beauty all the time!

These designs represent some of the more popular Polish folk designs. This is one of the things I absolutely love about Poland. Their folk designs and history in each region is something we just don’t have in the states!


I also bought a few pens. I use these to give away when I go back to the states. Most people love them! It’s a useful gift and doesn’t “clutter up” someone’s house. They are also little and light and easy for me to carry in my suitcase!


My husband was grouching about not knowing what to buy me for Christmas. I told him he could buy me pretty much anything from this website and I’d be happy. But he just kind of grimaced.

Oh well. That’s why I get it for myself! :)

I thought you’d enjoy this short glimpse into some of the Polish folk designs. I’ll be enjoying them all year long as I’m putting this calendar where I can see it easily and often!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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