Introducing Little Chloe Woodard - Rachael's newest Granddaughter

Introducing Little Chloe Woodard

As several of you know, Ken and I took our first vacation in just over 2 years. Since we started Quilted Twins in earnest, we hadn’t stepped away from it for more than 2 or 3 days to go on buying trips, but never for a true vacation. I’ve been working at this store and website probably 10 to 12 hours per day, in and around all the other things I do, much to the neglect of things like my housework and my other business. However, as most of you know, in order to be successful, when you first start, you have to work hard. You have to put systems in place, have a dependable staff, and you must learn what your customers want.

New grandmbabies can steal your heart!

New grandmbabies can steal your heart!

So, we felt like we had enough systems in place, and a fabulous staff, so we ventured to secure some plane tickets and hightail it up to Pennsylvania/Ohio, where we would eventually make our way to see our youngest son and his bride, along with their new baby, Chloe, who was born, in fact, after we acquired our tickets, and before we arrived. (How convenient was that, eh?) (I had only been to that part of Ohio only one other time, and that was 13 months ago, for their wedding!)

We had a grand time, a relaxing trip, and daily adventures. If Becky lets me, I’ll be entertaining you with some of our outings and escapades in the next couple of weeks off and on. I know you want to see what she’s up to, but sometimes she has to stop writing and go sew, so that she has something to write aboutJ

Steven spends his days working on the back end of Quilted Twins website, and he is the one who manages to answer MOST of our questions about the site. His claim to fame, as far as I can see is his hilarious drawing on the LOCATION PAGE on the site that tells people exactly where in the strip mall we are.

When he put this up.. with the “that’s us” on here, it just made me laugh and laugh. You can find it HERE.

When he put this up.. with the “that’s us” on here, it just made me laugh and laugh. You can find it HERE.


Well, Chloe and Alli were released from the hospital on Friday, June 28, and we drove into Mentor, Ohio on Sunday night, June 30. For some reason, three churches that we wanted to attend that night all hand canceled their evening services, so we just went straight on over to see Alli and Steven, who were holed up at Alli’s parents’ home in Mentor. They both looked exhausted, but were handling the new parenting thing like old hats. They actually surprised me. Both of them.

They graciously let me hold my newest grandbaby (Chloe makes me the grandmother to four beautiful granddaughters), but I was reminded again why the Lord gives babies to the young.

Rachael with Alli and Baby Chloe.

Rachael with Alli and Baby Chloe.

Later in the week we went over to their apartment where we did nothing but discuss business, the website and I worked on the site from their home.

There’s nothing like getting to hold your newborn granddaughter, alternately, there’s nothing like being able to turn her back over into their arms, knowing that they have the youth, the stamina, and the stick-to-it-ness to rear our granddaughter in a Christ-honoring environment. I’m so glad that we were able to go and see them. Though they are the youngest in our family (Steven is just 24, as is Alli), they are strong, grounded and seeking to serve the Lord with their lives and their actions. This makes me happy. Very happy.  It reminds me of the principle found here in 2 John 1:4: “I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth.”

Here’s Steven and Alli a couple of days later. It was warm there and Chloe seems to like it that way. She was also scratching herself, so I bought her some handy little “mitts” to keep her from doing that. Steven’s hands are so big that he could pra…

Here’s Steven and Alli a couple of days later. It was warm there and Chloe seems to like it that way. She was also scratching herself, so I bought her some handy little “mitts” to keep her from doing that. Steven’s hands are so big that he could practically hold her in one of his hands.

  It was a good trip. I’ll have to get on the stick and get them to start sending us weekly pictures! I don’t want to miss out on Chloe’s growing, even though she’s 1400 miles away!

Now enjoy those fabrics. Consequently, I guess we need to start thinking about a quilt for Chloe to be put on the floor on when she’s ready to start rolling around… And after watching my other granddaughters, we’d better get started! They grow up very quickly!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!