"Bear Paws Deluxe" - upcycled fall colors quilt top finished

I made it a goal to try to make 3 fall colored upcycled quilt tops this fall (2019)- before I get going with greens, that is. (besides charity quilts!)

Here’s the first one:

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I’ve had this sort of love/hate relationship with the Bear Paw block (or Bear Claws or any variation thereof) since I first saw it. It fascinated me - but I wasn’t sure I really liked it.

Then I decided that yes, I liked it. I made my first ones for the pattern “The Great Outdoors” - a pack that Rachael had by Riley Blake - and in person, I liked them more than on the screen.

a feathered star block

a feathered star block

I was intrigued, actually. I am not sure why I didn’t love it at first. I think the half square triangle pointy thing didn’t “do it” for me when I first came into quilting. Obviously I’ve changed and developed more since then. Now, I’d love to try a feathered star!

At least one or two more tops with this motif are coming - just not sure when!

Part of me wishes I had made my sashing a little wider to separate the blocks even more. Next time!

Part of me wishes I had made my sashing a little wider to separate the blocks even more. Next time!

My husband likes to hunt - though he hasn’t hunted since we came to Poland, but it is part of his background. (He’s FROM Alaska.) Grizzly bears and other bears are part of life up there.

Anyway…it’s been in the back of my mind for some time - there is just so much to do these days that I have a hard time deciding “what to do next!”

When I told myself, “Design and make 3 fall colored quilt tops this fall,” I decided that it is a good time to make at least one of those long awaited Bear Paws tops.

I looked at various patterns that are out there. I was intrigued most by an antique quilt that I saw with the Paws on point. I decided, “that’s it” - I want to do that.

So there it went from there.

Playing around with the EQ program, this is what I came up with. I tried it using the blocks all the way to the edge, with a dark border, with no cornerstones, etc. All in all, this is what I liked the best at the time, so I went ahead and made it up!

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I’m working on the pattern and am trying to get it done before Sunday. I just have only so much computer time before I’m not very efficient and just need to quit for the day!

I will give you a hint about the next one - I had one thing designed and then kept feeling uneasy about it - it was ‘fine’ but not what inspired me to work on it - so I sat down to play with it some more. Now I’m excited about it - have some of the blocks done.

Let’s just say, I’ve been trying to get to it so that I can make the top - but these other projects keep jumping to the front of the line!

I’ve heard the saying, “I work better under pressure.” Especially in college I heard that. Then I heard a teacher pointed out that “No one works better under pressure” - you tend to make mistakes, get frustrated if things aren’t right, maybe cut corners - but what you do is work under pressure!

So, that’s what I kind of do to myself. I give myself these goals so that I will force myself to buckle down and work!|

And now you know! Stay tuned for some more interesting things coming up!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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