"Pointedly Nines" - Upcycled Blues #43 finished!

I really do not know why, but a 9 patch on point is one my favorite “looks”. When I hung this on the line and then walked outside to get some pictures - I just kind of fell in love with this one.

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While I was working on it, I wasn’t really taken with it - but as it was hanging there - wow! I decided I really like the look. I know, I’ve done 9 patches on point before. However, I think I haven’t really done this size. or this simple.

I also realize that most of this isn’t blue.

Well, that’s just the way of this design. My husband pointed that out to me (that it isn’t mostly blue)!

I think I knew that already, though!


It was a beautiful day as I was taking pictures. Our gorgeous weather is probably about coming to a close and normal fall weather is about to hit.

It’s okay. I’ve been so happy to have cool weather, “AT LAST” that now I can quilt without breaking a sweat!

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I wobbled a bit here..you can see. Oops.

I wobbled a bit here..you can see. Oops.

I am working on making my swirls more smooth - unfortunately the end result in the quilt didn’t really look like it - but I’m working on it.

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These backings these days are a hodge podge. Quite a mess, actually. all upcycleds., of course!

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And the quilt roll:

I did update the picture on the pattern, which has already been on the Free Patterns page. You can also access it from the Upcycled Blues page.

I’ve decided that a 2 year project with so much of one color probably isn’t a good idea. I’ll try to finish them up a bit sooner than I have this one! But then, I certainly didn’t expect it to last as long as it has!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Oh…and with this one done, I’m down to only 3 left in this series!


Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen4 Comments