"Sticks and Stones" upcycled blues #45 finished

I’m powering along trying to finish up this Upcycled Blues series before the two year mark - and unless something drastic happens, I should be able to do that - before the first of November. Of the 8 I had left to quilt, this is number 4 - so after this, only 4 left.

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I had cut up a lot of the little “coins” - the 1.5”x4.5” pieces and used them in the top I called “Coinage” as you know - but had some leftover. Coinage was number 44, and this is number 45. I do appreciate the help with naming it as the people in the Quilted Twins Facebook group helped me with the name.

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I chose to quilt this one with swirls and circle type things - once again.


Here is a close up of the quilting AND you can also see at least part of the main blocks. The little “stones” did finish at 1” in the quilt.

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I like to show the backings of these upcycled quilts - So here’s this one. It looks a bit odd.

Let’s just call it “modern”, OK?

(GRIN! - no offense, please?)


I feel like I should “sing and dance” to make these posts special, as I’m showing the same main pictures in all of these - but this is what I have. I suppose I should arrange some in a more artistic way - I’ll work on that.


Anyway, here’s the quilt roll.

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On a beautiful fall day!

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I did update the Upcycled Blues page with a new picture and I updated the pattern with new pictures and reuploaded it on the free patterns page. I hope some of you can use it.

Remember…my whole purpose for even saving all these second hand items was to make at the minimum, “interesting”, if not beautiful, quilts out of second hand items, proving that YOU CAN make quilts wherever you are and at whatever price you can afford.

Don’t let the fabric purists steal your joy and hope of making something beautiful - even if your budget is low.

Just be creative…

AND shop with my sis at her shop…she has good prices! Do you notice how I segmented right into that promo? LOL

Check it out! Seriously!

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