Quilted Twins

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"Pointedly Nines" - Upcycled Blues #43 finished!

I really do not know why, but a 9 patch on point is one my favorite “looks”. When I hung this on the line and then walked outside to get some pictures - I just kind of fell in love with this one.

While I was working on it, I wasn’t really taken with it - but as it was hanging there - wow! I decided I really like the look. I know, I’ve done 9 patches on point before. However, I think I haven’t really done this size. or this simple.

I also realize that most of this isn’t blue.

Well, that’s just the way of this design. My husband pointed that out to me (that it isn’t mostly blue)!

I think I knew that already, though!

It was a beautiful day as I was taking pictures. Our gorgeous weather is probably about coming to a close and normal fall weather is about to hit.

It’s okay. I’ve been so happy to have cool weather, “AT LAST” that now I can quilt without breaking a sweat!

I wobbled a bit here..you can see. Oops.

I am working on making my swirls more smooth - unfortunately the end result in the quilt didn’t really look like it - but I’m working on it.

These backings these days are a hodge podge. Quite a mess, actually. all upcycleds., of course!

And the quilt roll:

I did update the picture on the pattern, which has already been on the Free Patterns page. You can also access it from the Upcycled Blues page.

I’ve decided that a 2 year project with so much of one color probably isn’t a good idea. I’ll try to finish them up a bit sooner than I have this one! But then, I certainly didn’t expect it to last as long as it has!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Oh…and with this one done, I’m down to only 3 left in this series!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

See this content in the original post