"Shuttered Scraps" - Upcycled Blues #47 finished!

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I’m marching along on this project - after this one, I have only two left to show you. Then I will be done with upcycled blues. Since I actually do have a few more blues (I got them down to two tubs), I may use them along with the greens or reds when I something with those colors - in fact, quite a few of the ones I didn’t use had about half blue/half red in them, so I could switch them to the reds box!

Anyway, this was simple - and once again, I used quite a bit of sashing to get the effect I wanted.

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I did a swirls design for the quilting.

Once again.

I need to find another circular design I can play around with.

It was such a bright and pretty day - not quite as warm as the last few days, though. But that’s okay. I’ve been waiting for cooler weather - for quite some time now!

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The backing - quite a conglomeration.

I did like the butterflies though. I was tempted not to use it but decided to “just do it!”

It’s not as if it’s the only pretty fabric I’ve got!


It’s a super simple design - using only a four patch and a rail fence block. The sashing strip is what “makes” this quilt.

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And the quilt roll!

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I updated the pattern on the Free Patterns page and the Upcycled Blues page picture I updated as well.

Those rails in the rail fence blocks were still leftovers from Coinage AND Sticks and Stones. I finally used them up in this one! I felt good about that!

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Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen4 Comments