Personal - Change of Plans! (for now!)

Well, here we go -

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My youngest son is supposed to finish college this year in May.

As you know…colleges/universities and schools all over the USA have pretty much changed their schedules and have switched to being “on line”. No commencement ceremonies have been announced for my son. It was scheduled for May 5, I think.

We had originally planned to fly back April 30. At this point, that’s not happening. Poland’s international borders are closed tight with regards to flights and trains.

So we’re staying here for now.

This whole “thing” has left me in a bit of tither for so many reasons. It was going to be pretty special to be at our youngest son’s graduation-from-college-ceremony. Mighty special. Five kids. All done with college - at least with their bachelor’s degree.

And we are very relieved and happy.

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What this means is now I can think about a garden. It is so weird. I went from thinking I couldn’t plant in May as I was going to be gone. Now it hit me today that maybe I should go ahead and “start” my pumpkin plants! It just HIT me. Today.

I really don’t want to plant anything except 1. sweet corn, 2. pumpkins, 3. sugar peas. Maybe I can throw in a zucchini seed or two in the ground - just for fun - Oh, and I do want to plant decorative gourds all around the fence line. They are so pretty. They are only for “looks” though.

So…how does this affect my quilting? Well, I still haven’t made my new “farm-themed quilt” that I need to get going on and get done for the Farm Bureau’s dinner in FL in October. I think it’s because I’m going to use a panel and I’m not absolutely positive I like what I’ve got planned. Indecision kills a lot of time. I need to do it…soon. I have no idea when we are going now…probably is affecting my productivity as well about now!

We had already bought our tickets to the states. They were finally cancelled by KLM/DELTA and we have our vouchers good for the next two years…so we are grateful for that.

It’s April 7 and I’ve already gotten this much trimmed so far in April!

It’s April 7 and I’ve already gotten this much trimmed so far in April!

Other than that —-my life is pushing forward. I’ve been quite busy. I’m tackling those scraps even more heartily.

I really want them done.

Out of that room - at least as bags of scraps!

I’m starting to be like the horse returning home…but not quite yet.

I have kind of upped the amount of time I’m putting into it, though - realizing that for every hour I put into cutting/trimming, it will get done that much sooner.

I’ve debated putting out all 16 of my Geometrics quilts out and arranging them into some sort of cool photo.

Not really this one.  There are only 15 here anyway. The “big one” isn’t here.

Not really this one. There are only 15 here anyway. The “big one” isn’t here.

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I spent the day quilting today. That, and a few other things.

This week we are having spring/summer like weather (almost 70F)…so one really does begin to think about outdoor things!

As far as when we are going to go to the states…at this point we don’t know. Because of the public nature of the internet, and not wanting to advertise to the world when we will be gone, I will probably NOT mention it here until at least someone is staying in our house - for security reasons.

So…there you are… a personal update - directly from Poland!

Have a great day wherever you are!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!