8 Variations of "Surf Song"

I didn’t quite realize that I had made this pattern so many times until I was looking through my files looking for all of them in response to someone’s question about them on a Facebook post.

I decided to share them all here.

All of them.

This pattern is quite easy to do and is made entirely with 2.5” strips. That is what makes it so incredibly easy. I am not saying that I don’t like other bargellos better - because maybe I do (I want to make Eileen’s argyle one- just haven’t tried it yet!). But I’ve been able to make this one successfully from both new and second hand fabrics alike. It always looks good.

Here they are - in all their colorful glory!

In grays/navy blue - upcycled - finished earlier this year!

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In royal blues/aquas - also earlier this year — this one wasn’t from upcycleds.

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Then, before the year 2020, I had made it in these colorways -

This orange and pink one - was also made from new fabrics.

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This blue and aqua one also was from new fabrics.

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This blue and purple one was from new fabrics

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This one with reds and then burgundies was from upcycleds.

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This purple and pinks one was also from all upcycleds -

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And this one was from all upcycleds. This is my oldest one - I sold it several years ago now.

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Someone had asked me how I make these from upcycleds - how my strips are long enough- I’ll save that for a different time with some close up pictures.

Today’s post is simply about the wonder of what you can do with those 2.5” strips.

Once you actually make the strip sets for this quilt, the putting it together doesn’t take that long if you can work without distractions! (a Big “if”!)

The pattern is by Eileen Wright - called Surf Song and is found in this book Twist and Turn Bargello which can be purchased on Amazon. Here’s a link - which is an affiliate link for us.

I hope my little quilt show showing only this one bargello pattern in 8 color variations has been enjoyable for you.

Collage made with the online site www.photocollage.com

Collage made with the online site www.photocollage.com

If you are wanting to make your own - in summary, you need about 3/4 yard of 24 different colors - divided into one group of 16 colors, ranging from light to dark and then one group of 8 colors, ranging from light to dark. I’m sure you can figure out which two colors I used in each of these. The colors can be related or completely different. OK, you exactly need 7 strips that are WOF - about 44” cut 2.5”. You could almost get it out of 18” -but I find that sometimes I need to straighten ends, so only buying 18” seems cutting it a bit too close if I can use that pun!

I know this is short and sweet - but that’s all I’ve got for today. It’s something I have been wanting to share for a week now. (I’m actually wondering how this would look in browns???)

I trust things are thawing out for you and that you get to do the things you most enjoy doing!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!