Cultural - "McD's during the COVID-19 thaw"

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Last week we went to McD’s which was the first time we’d been able to eat inside the restaurant since about March 14.

This is what we saw.


You can tell when we first went in, there was almost no one there. Eventually while still eating, more people did come in and sit down in some of the allotted places. But it was pretty empty at first. Outside tables had been re positioned so that there are fewer of them now. I think several people were eating there.


At least we were able to get back inside, but it still felt very strange. Very.

But it did feel just a bit more like normal than we felt previously - and I think we all like that! I guess that’s not saying much because the time before we were there, they only allowed 11 people inside the store and we couldn’t get inside to eat. We ended up going through the drive through and eating in our vehicle because they didn’t allow you to eat outside on their tables!

Our McD’s hasn’t been here all that long now - and it has quickly become a popular spot for older children who come in groups, teens, and young families. Plus we’ve seen our share of seniors there as well!


Otherwise, except for the fact that we once again ordered with a kiosk and the food was delivered to our table with a server in a mask (that was the only thing different!), the food was the same and the price was the same. So we are grateful for that.

Some have reported prices being considerably higher due to COVID-19, but I’ve not really noticed it here. Possibly that is because I’ve stayed home a lot and haven’t been shopping very much at all.

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What did wet get? Both of us got a chicken wrap - but my husband got the kind that is classic- with chicken lettuce, tomato and he added bacon and took off the mayo sauce. I had a chicken wrap but it has some horseradish sauce and bacon on it - very tasty. Then our XL drink has exactly .5 liter of drink (no refills) and that includes ice! They are very careful to not “give you more than up to the line”! It’s never enough for us.

Drinking at restaurants here is always difficult as people here just don’t apparently drink when they eat their food. And my husband actually needs to have some liquid to help the food go down! Alas. It’s not a matter of a learned thing with him - he actually physiologically needs to drink while he eats - otherwise the food doesn’t want to go down.

It’s okay. We actually don’t eat out much here (at a real restaurant that’s not a fast food one). Getting enough to drink (soft drinks or water - no free water) could add significant amounts to our bill and we are too cheap for that. We save our “eating out money” for when we go back to the states.

I know it’s little. It’s not even important. But today’s post shows that Poland is ever so gradually getting back to “before the second week of March” when they came down hard on COVID-19.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out the goodies my sis has for you in the store!