“Energized” - nr. 69 in the 2” series finished!

I finished this one recently - - and it is another big one!

I actually made the blocks this quilt was based on several years ago and they were just stashed in a box in my sewing room.

Last year I decided to go ahead and use them up so last summer I made a couple of different tops (actually three) from them - this is one of them.

I was stumped as to what to do. They were just “odd” blocks. The only thing i could think to do with them was “go big”. So I did!

And bold!

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A close up of the block with a sort of frame around it - to look like shutters.

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These are the centers of the blocks I made.

These are the centers of the blocks I made.

The block that was so awkward to work with was the low volume little 2” squares with the bright bigger piece in between and then another row of low volume 2” squares.

I am not sure why I made them. I was just playing around, I’m sure. But anyway, they certainly challenged me in how to actually use them in a quilt! I threw in the black to bring something to the forefront. And to make it a square block.

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I’m not even really sure what to say about this quilt design - except that it is done. I’m working on the pattern now and it will be finished soon!

I quilted it with ‘regular, but random” spaced lines. If there is such a thing. I thought it would add to the bit more modern feel to this quilt - ??Maybe I should have done diagonal lines or something. Whatever.I didn’t. And I don’t take quilting b…

I quilted it with ‘regular, but random” spaced lines. If there is such a thing. I thought it would add to the bit more modern feel to this quilt - ??

Maybe I should have done diagonal lines or something. Whatever.

I didn’t. And I don’t take quilting back out. So, it’s done. Period.

I have mixed emotions about this quilt. I am so glad to see it finished!

Yeah!!! Done!!!!!!! Usually by the time I get to the quilting, I am so happy to see it finished that I fall back in love if I hadn’t been - or I like it better than I did before.

I had to push myself for several days to get this one done. That is not normally how I operate! Don’t know why. I just have never “clicked” with this quilt.

It is very bright and cheery! Perfect for gray, drab days that we often have here in Poland!

I’m going to find a non quilter couple to give this to. I have a couple in mind.

I’m going to find a non quilter couple to give this to. I have a couple in mind.

Once again - the quilt roll!

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And it looks kind of cool from a distance!

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The pattern is going to be here…as soon as I get a name for it. I’d love to have any suggestions you have!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Be sure to keep reading though!

Just for Fun! A Give-Away -

10 days straight excluding Sunday

Day 10 - Last Day!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!


Yes, we are going to be having a drawing every day for 10 days (excluding Sunday)…your chance to win one of these bags - a reusable Polish folk design shopping bag. If you win, YOUR responsibility is to contact me. I will put a list up on May 11 at which time the winners need to send me your address via email at customerservice@quiltedtwins.com or PM me at Becky Tillman Petersen via Messenger.

Today’s question - you HAVE to answer in the comments below. If for some reason you can’t answer down there, send me an email to customerservice@quiltedtwins.com . There are a few people who don’t seem to have the comment box.

Please, put either your whole name or something distinctive - not just “Susan” or “Donna” or “Linda”. We seem to have a lot of people here with those first names. Thanks! If you don’t want to put your first and last name put your first name and two more letters.

Answer this question:

What name would you give for this quilt? (Yes, I’m being mean, aren’t I?) Today’s question is- please give me a name suggestion for the quilt I’m featuring today.