May "Unappreciated" fabrics

This month we are showing you fabrics that seem to have gone overlooked. They are wonderful but people have not yet discovered them!
Hence I am showing them here!

We’ve decided you need to see a few of these special fabrics up close - nice and big! Maybe one or more of these will fit into your next project!

Here are what Jessica chose -

Sarah chose these -

Rachael sent me these -

She said that many people have asked for extra dark and very light batiks. She got these. Here they are!

and I’ve chosen these -

This one - by RJR - is fun and homey!

And there you are! Some of these might be just what you need for a project you’ve got in mind!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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