Even More Beauties from you all!

The next set of pretties are ready!

I know I keep telling you that I just “love these colors”. And I do. I suppose when I work on these quilts - the full richness of the colors of the fabrics gets up close and personal. And maybe while I’m working on them - they ARE my favorites!

These colors on this first one are the the same as from the American Jane line of fabrics from Moda, or the thirties from the Riley Blake/Penny Rose line of fabrics - - all of which I also love. So, this one was really nice to work on!


The fabrics were so much fun - love those zippers!!

And the colors are simply yummy!


This donated top is more demure, but it is so nice - so pleasing. While I’m not particularly a peach/blue person they do make a pleasing combination and I am thrilled to have this quilt!

I’m sure someone is a peach/navy blue person and can’t wait to have it ! I did add the outer border to make it the size I was looking for - and was very happy that I found a fabric in my stash that went with the center.


This is a scrappy quilt with a lot going on - so I’m showing a couple of close ups of you can see it better. I went ahead and quilted it with swirls and curls.

Someone is going to love all of the action and colors/fabrics that are in this top!!! So much to look at!

Someone is going to love all of the action and colors/fabrics that are in this top!!! So much to look at!


This next one was completely made by hand - and while I do have issues with what I did when I added the borders, I decided to just leave them and go with it.

Since it was not a really rectangular quilt, I should have eased the first pink border into the quilt top - but what I did was just added the borders which then created an even more wonky quilt. Oh well.

I tried to make it work by heavily quilting the border to try to ease in the fabric. I learned probably more from this one than any of the other ones I’ve done to date. Mostly by my big mistake! Next time I’ll do it right - by making the top fit to a premeasured border - the same on both sides and then the top and bottom edges the same - which would have then straightened it back up. The top started out pretty much looking like an hourglass.

As it is finished, I do have an almost flat quilt - but one of the ends is a bit (maybe I’m being pretty free with that term bit) wider than the other. Hmm.

This top was donated to me a while ago and I made up one of my own using this one as my inspiration. I think it’s sort of old - not REALLY old - but maybe from the 70s or 80s. Possibly - probably? even older than that. I think this top was given to …

This top was donated to me a while ago and I made up one of my own using this one as my inspiration. I think it’s sort of old - not REALLY old - but maybe from the 70s or 80s. Possibly - probably? even older than that. I think this top was given to me by a thrift shop (God’s Share) in Florida which would mean it was given to them. If I remember right. It has a couple of stains on the white sections that tell me that it is older. I did not want to attempt to wash it, however, until It was all done, heavily quilted and bound.

This rail fence quilt top is a simple classic but will be very popular - I already know that. It’s got what the Polish people love - and that’s browns!!! It’s warm and appealing! And I only have one of them - it will be chosen quickly!

This picture shows the fabrics up close.  It will be loved!

This picture shows the fabrics up close. It will be loved!

When my husband saw this next one one as I was quilting it, he said, “I really like this one!” And so do I! What a nice quilt! The design. The colors! The size!

I did add the blue and the green borders which then made it big - big enough for a double/queen! Thank you so much for this beauty! (Plus it was really well made - did I mention that? - a real pleasure to work with!)

If this were my own quilt or one for my own family member, I probably would have quilted around the four patches. However, I did not have the stamina to do so.  Plus, I like little “pouf” that has happened to each square by leaving the squares unqui…

If this were my own quilt or one for my own family member, I probably would have quilted around the four patches. However, I did not have the stamina to do so. Plus, I like little “pouf” that has happened to each square by leaving the squares unquilted.

And so I have another collection of beauties!!! Here they are!

collage next one.jpg

Once again, I’m so blessed by your generosity - in trusting me with these tops to finish so I can give them to local people here in Poland! I know that as we work on our tops, they begin to feel like part of us - so parting with them sometimes can feel like giving away part of ourselves - or maybe even worse - our babies.

I suspect that some of you have made these tops especially for this outreach/charity while others of you considered tops you made some time in the past that you think you will not finish and have sent them my way.

I just appreciate them all! If you are making them “just for me”- and haven’t started yet, the sizes for the singles I’m looking for are about 60”x80” with from 55-61” working fine x 80” -90” really just fine. For a double, I’m looking for about 80”x88” or bigger. Bigger is fine as well.

If you have sent me a top close to 70” wide, I took the chance and added borders to make it into a double size!

And that’s it for today. Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Keep on sewing! Stay safe!

Just in case you need some fabric, check out what my sis has in the store here!

Here’s a bundle my sis put together just for you! Cherry Lemonade!

Becky Petersen2 Comments