More goodies from you all!

Even though my sis’s recent experience kind of put me in a bit of a tailspin - wanting to know all the details, etc, I’ve been working almost like a madwoman…

Here’s a close up - so you can see all that this one involved!

Here’s a close up - so you can see all that this one involved!

My goal has been 120 finished quilts - single/twin or double/queen to be able to donate to area needy. I’m actually going to go over this a bit. Not many—just a few.

But this year has been unusual - by far, I’ve had more donated tops than ever before that I’ve been able to finish. Obviously, this means that you all have given them to me - and I so appreciate it! It also means at our next give-away, whenever that is, there will be a wonderful variety for folks to choose from!

Here they are in the works.

Someone gave me this amazing top - so much work - all those half square triangles— but they gave it to me anyway!

I did use embroidery thread on all of these - so there is a bit of a sheen to the quilting. I like that little bit of extra “pizzazz”. It’s subtle in real life - though it may actually show up in pictures very well!


This next one was so colorful and caught my attention. When I got it, the top was simply the center part - I added the outer borders - but in the end, I’m totally captivated by it - and am so grateful for this top!

I will admit that I like how I did the borders - gradually expanding black strips between the colors. But of course the center is what it’s all about! If you are the who donated it - Thank you!

I am really curious how quickly it will get taken!

I used red Madeira polyneon to quilt this - 40wt.

I used red Madeira polyneon to quilt this - 40wt.

This next top is a top that was needle turned appliqued! Amazing. How much work this is - and how could you give it away? I don’t know - but I appreciate it so much!

I used light gray or silver to quilt this.

I used light gray or silver to quilt this.

Because it had so much applique on it - and all by hand - I needed to quilt it closely and tightly. So, while I still did it with loops, I quilted it densely.


This next one is so classy - and I’m sure someone is going to love it - absolutely! The sampler showcases so many different blocks that I’m sure the person who chooses this is one who appreciates the actual idea of piecing and blocks!


This last bright and colorful top sent to me was the center only — out to the first purple - I added the rest - makes an interesting quilt, doesn’t it? I’m glad I changed it around a bit and used two colors together instead of going with the one at a time with black in between as I had done with most of the other centers of a similar feel (black/solids).

I used a purplish pink to quilt this one.

I used a purplish pink to quilt this one.


This is the center of that bright and pretty center square made of strips! So nice!


This quilt made with this classic design is the best one I’ve seen - ever. It has made me want to make one - from my scraps, of course!!

It has a masculine feel to me, but I can see ladies liking it as well - especially since here in Poland ladies love brown - and we know Europeans in general love blue - as evidenced by all the blues I’ve come up with in my “upcycled blues” project from second hand items purchased (mostly) locally.


This photo college summarizes this group of these donated quilt tops!

collage nov. 19.jpg

I so appreciate all that you’ve done to help! All this beauty - I’m so humbled that you’ve entrusted these gorgeous tops to me to finish and distribute!

I’m getting close to being done. What I mean is, with the quilting. I still have the binding. I had hoped to be ALL done by the end of the year. Then I upped it to Thanksgiving….not sure I can bind that many quilts by Thanksgiving, but I’ll give it a shot! I have 5 left to finish quilting. They are big ones, though, so the max I can do in a day is 2.

Maybe if I go into overdrive I can finish more. I just don’t want to overdo it and then put myself out of commission.

Thanks for reading here! Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Stay safe!

If you need something from the store, be sure to check it out here.

Here’s one of those really nice panels my sis managed to find - check it out!

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