Another box arrived - and other things!
My dear supporter, Fran, is really keeping me hopping! I’m just now getting some of her other tops “under control” so to speak and we got another box today!
There was something different in it this time, however. Today there were 3 rail fence quilt tops - two smaller (49”x49”) and one much larger - which I will measure probably next week when I go to check to see if I need to add borders to it. Then we also got 4 other large tops. So fun, fun, fun! Then, she sent along two pieces of yardage - either for backings for for borders - she doesn’t really care for what. Both are great color and I will be able to use up right away!
Other than that, I’m getting ready to do some more cutting up for the larger Mosaics I want to do. Due to our trip to the states, I had forgotten about them - but then when I was uncovering things in the dining room area, I had the pieces sitting on the counter and I found them.
And then I remembered.
I’ll be trying to cut up the rest of the pieces for those two tops using 3”x5.5” and 3.5”x 6.5” bricks. I should be able to do that easily from scraps that are rapidly piling up.
The bricks in the next two sizes up. These are 3.5”x6.5” and 3”x5.5” (left to right).
I would imagine that putting them together will seem incredibly fast after working on the little one using 1.5” bricks (1.5”x2.5”) which I did today for awhile. I forgot how satisfying it is, and glad I made myself work on it some today.
Other than that, I did quilt two more quilts, and sandwiched three. I’m sure some of you are wondering why I am asking that of myself.
Well, first of all, I’d like to get ahead (sandwiching) so that on Sundays if I get a chance to quilt 2, they will already be sandwiched.
I have quite a bit less time on Sundays due to our other responsibilities, but if I can get two charity quilts quilted, I will consider it a bonus. But I won’t even ask myself to sandwich anything on that day. Eventually I’ll have the quilts all sandwiched and then be able to spend the time I spent sandwiching possibly doing other things like binding or photographing quilts, etc.
It’s just what I’ve found works for me.
My current pile of ready-to-bind quilts is getting taller. It’s here.
The pile straight in front of you is the quilted pile and the pile to the left (the little pile) is a small pile of extra sandwiched quilts as it I’m starting to get extra.
I love looking at them! Of course, I need to start binding but haven’t yet. But I’d like to collect more so that I can bind several with similar colors in the same fabric. I did find some stripes I have due to some shirtings I got from the Big Fabric Haul. I’m very happy about that - I’ll be able to have some nice stripes AND use up more of the Big Fabric Haul fabrics for charity quilt purposes.
But I do have a shelf of stripes and plaids - I will try to pull from those as much as possible before buying more. I’ve used up the “easiest to use” already.
Other than that, I didn’t do much today! LOL
Mosaic using 1.5”x 2.5” bricks.
This was my status as of August 6, 2020. That’s the last progress report about this top as I’ve not worked on it since then. But I’m starting again.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
I’m hoping to get some more added to my little Mosiac tomorrow - I’d love to add at least 10” a week - as it’s enough to actually see a change and is quite exciting!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!!! She’s always getting new things in!
Colors may vary slightly from what is portrayed. Screens vary as well as our eyes sometimes see things differently, but we've made every attempt to have the color be accurately portrayed.
Price is by the Yard.
100% cotton
41/43" wide
Local quilt shop quality fabric
Chelsea - Beehive and Bees on White
by Northcott Fabrics