On the Home front - Making Pumpkin Rolls

The last few years I’ve grown pumpkins - and some years more than others. This year I only ended up with about 30 pumpkins whereas the year before I had over 80. But I still have lots of frozen pumpkin from years before.

Lest you think it is amazing that I have frozen pumpkin in my freezer - it’s actually not hard AND we don’t have canned pumpkin here so if I do want to have pumpkin to eat, I have to cook it up and freeze it or dry it or can it. I have dried some but I have plenty in my freezer as well.

I decided to make Libby’s Pumpkin Roll recipe a few days ago. Here’s the recipe I used.

Now mine doesn’t look quite as perfect as the one in the picture on that website, but mine was decent looking - and very tasty!

I had decided on Tuesday to make it - it is quite a bit more work to make than a simple pumpkin bread, so I usually need to decide more than the day before to get myself excited about making it (I’m not really into cooking anymore now that the kids are all gone). I usually make something to take to church for our little group so after church we can have a snack.

In this picture, I put one batch of spices right into the Kitchen Aid mixer bowl and the other two into the little glass dishes.

In this picture, I put one batch of spices right into the Kitchen Aid mixer bowl and the other two into the little glass dishes.

I didn’t show it, but I took the pumpkin out of the freezer the day before so it would completely thaw. I put the bags into a Tupperware container on the counter and let them get to room temperature. I then measured the pumpkin out as needed in the recipe. I made it up 3 times in order to make three pumpkin rolls. When I do that, in order to be a little faster, I measure out the spices and things into containers at the same time - sort of like chain piecing! It seems easier for me and I am less likely to make mistakes that way.

From then on, I mix all the spices and flour and sugar together as you would most any cake. It is a spongy type cake - and not a regular typical cake as in a cake mix. I lined a “jelly roll pan” with wax paper and then buttered and floured the paper.

I’ll put the steps here below with descriptions on it. Click on the arrows to see how I made it/them.

I hadn’t originally thought I would actually make a blog post from it - but Rachael suggested it - so I am. I raised the pumpkin I used in the rolls in my own garden, so it makes them extra special!

The cake is moist and tasty and the cream cheese filling is amazing.

The cake is moist and tasty and the cream cheese filling is amazing.

I found a video for you!!! I differ with the cool the cake only 1 hour. I found it worked great for me at 3 hours - completely cool.

So exactly what does this have to do with quilting?

Nothing. Not really.

But if you want to find fabrics with pumpkins in them, check out our website here.

When we harvested our own pumpkins, we used our black truck’s back end to put them in - but this fun panel shows that ubiquitous red truck!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Becky Petersen3 Comments