"The Cross" panel simply framed
When my sis got her first fabric in her hands, it was a pretty special moment. We opened that package that came Fed Ex and just enjoyed the moment that came with looking at something that Rachael had thought about and worked for some time.
It was a Wednesday.
I could tell that my sis wanted me to try to put together something very simple very quickly, so we discussed it, and I went ahead and took one of the panels back to mom’s house with me after deciding on three Grunge colors that went with it, and I put those borders on so I could meet her back at Wed. night church to show her (and anyone else who wanted to see!).
It was a very simple procedure. I carefully cut off the selvage - all the white, actually, so that it was now the size it was. I measured that it ended up being 33 3/4”x 41 3/4”. It didn’t really matter since these are all plain borders and not pieced.
Then I added those borders and I brought it to the church service - and showed Rachael.
We used a small 1.5” cut gray grunge border for the innermost one, then a white grunge that was cut 2” and the outer border—a brown grunge cut at 5.5” wide.
We were getting ready to leave on Friday morning to head to Oklahoma City to visit our daughter and her husband and a supporting church, so I left it in her hands to have Diane and Jeff quilt it - and go ahead and bind it. Time was getting close for us to head back to Poland.
We arrived back from our trips to Oklahoma City and then Greenville/Clemson, SC to see that this top was quilted and finished. I was relieved because I really wanted pictures of it. I managed to find some time for photos for all the recently finished quilts the day before we returned to Poland.
The end result - I had to take photos inside the building as no one has a nice line there in FL like I have set up here in Poland.
Diane quilted the cross with a cloud design.
Delighted. Happy. Grateful.
Glad it is done. Glad it’s our first panel, and relieved to have a simple sample made up!
My sis introduced this panel a few days ago now. — I should have had this done by then, but I didn’t.
Keep your eyes open in the next few days for a little kit for such a kit. Rachael said she’d put together some.
I am feeling better - a little day by day. I’m not yet ready to face all the realities of life, but today for the first time, I cranked up my embroidery machine and decided to make it work a bit harder for me so I’d have some choices when it comes time to put my charity quilt labels on. (Previously I had 121 - but it is nicer to be able to choose the color of the words to match the quilt if at all possible. I guess the fact that I’m starting to care shows my state of mind is improving!)
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Colors may vary slightly from what is portrayed. Screens vary as well as our eyes sometimes see things differently, but we've made every attempt to have the color be accurately portrayed.
Price is by the Yard.
100% cotton
41/43" wide
Local quilt shop quality fabric
Chelsea - Beehive and Bees on White
by Northcott Fabrics