All that travel - vacation time!

Every time we go to the states, people back here in Poland assume we have been on vacation. I laugh inside, but know that when I walk into my mom’s house in FL, and then into the store in Dade City, I am not on vacation. It IS, however, a change of pace, and that makes for almost the same feeling as a vacation. Right?


Well, if you pretend hard, it helps! And we all know that sometimes vacations “are” hard work!

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Well, this past time, we did go out to Oklahoma City and spent a few days with our daughter and her husband who is newly (last fall) in the Air Force and stationed in Enid, OK at Vance AFBase.

While we were out there, on Saturday, they both had off from their work, and they asked what we wanted to do.

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Apparently out there in their area, there is this cool place called the Great Salt Plains. I asked if we could go see that. I mean, here you are in the middle of Oklahoma- plains - and then there is this big area that seems like a big beach - salty at that. Very, very strange considering you are in the middle of the US and not near a big lake or any ocean or sea.

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We went digging for crystals. Now this wasn’t a BIG deal - just something we did for an hour or so. Then we went to a nature reserve and took a walk.

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This way we could feel like we were “on vacation” - if but for a day! :) I will say that while on the nature hike, I got bitten by what we think was a hornet. No fun!

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But the salt plains were amazing.

All that white stuff is salt.

All that white stuff is salt.

Let me share a few pictures of our “vacation” day.

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Our bucket of “goodies”!   We brought two of these little crystals back to Poland with us.

Our bucket of “goodies”! We brought two of these little crystals back to Poland with us.

After we had dug for a while, we went up and read the signs and how we were supposed to do it. (Grin!) Next time we can do it “right”!

We do enjoy going to national parks and wildlife reserves such as this place! So glad we could take some time off - and my daughter and son in law could as well, and see this bit of what feels like miraculous bit of nature here in the middle of the plains of Oklahoma!

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And there you go…doesn’t that last photo look like a beach? Does to me!

Have a great day. Hope you’ve enjoyed this quick peek into a bit of the central part of the US - a place sparsely populated. I’d guess that most of you reading this haven’t been there! Enjoy! If you get close - make sure you take an hour of your time and go look. It’s really quite mind boggling!


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