Donations - Thank you so Much!
Before I left Florida we received some more donations for me to bring back to Poland.
Let me show you. I had them all in the room where I was staying until I was finishing packing up.
I was so afraid of misplacing their goodies that I had the boxes/bag of goodies around me and opened them right at the end.
Here’s what I got!
I am so grateful! As of this writing, I’ve not had time to write them a thank you - but will do so very soon!
First of all, Roberta Hoke sent me several Mickey Mouse panels - and I appreciate so much the work she does with her own charity close to her home for children!
I’m positive the kids here will love them! Thank you so much! Since I don’t have Mickey currently, they are a wonderful addition to my collection!
Then, Mrs. Joyce Cox in SC sent me these!
I am so happy for these donations - I appreciate them a whole, whole lot! You all are the best!
Then, one day I walked in the store and my niece pointed at a bag of tops and said, “These came for you!” I brought them home and here are those goodies! These came from Kathy Benson!!!! They are beautiful!
I very much appreciate all of you who have given me so much for the people here in Poland. With all of you making tops for me, it does make it easier - much easier for me to reach the goal of 120 quilts a year while providing a great variety of colors and styles for the local people.
Because my husband and I ended up bringing a total of 35 tops back - even at that, I didn’t have room for everything, so some are being shipped back to me via boat. It’s okay. They always get here and this way they are spread out a bit. It does take some time to deal with what I have.
If this is something that interests you - either in making things directly for us - because you love to sew and everyone around you has cried, “Uncle” when it comes to receiving another of your quilts because you have given them so many already, or you just have a soft heart for the people here - you can always send quilt tops to my sis in FL and she will get them to me. The basic info is in this link.
It won’t be quick - just be aware of that - but eventually I will get them and I will finish them up for local people to get them. This could mean Polish, Ukrainians, or even refugees - whoever is here and seems to need them. I took a few to Kyrgyzstan with me when we went a couple of years ago. So you never know where your quilt might end up!
I’m not picky at all about the styles of tops I get. I will work with what I get - so simple is fine. I’ve learned that “beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder” when it comes to quilts as well.
All I really care about is that there aren’t holes in them. If there are, it makes things much harder. I did have one last year that had a bunch of holes in it (as it was quite old and the black fabric was rotting), so I ended up lining it with a piece of black fabric and very (VERY!) heavily quilting it - there had been a lot of black in the top. We’ll see what happens to it in the end. I let people choose what they like.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!
Red fire trucks!!! Sometimes it is just what you need! Only $5.99/yard!