My Travel Bag

About a week before I was to leave Florida, Rachael wrote me on Messenger and said, “I need you over here at the store at such and such a time.” I wondered “Why?” She said, “Julie is going to be over here then.”


Rachael had decided that I needed a nice big, squishable purse. I had had to replace my purse because it was peeling - (sad face) and beginning to look terrible. However, I wanted a big one for travel. I couldn’t find one locally at thrift stores and really didn’t have time to go looking around each individual store trying to find a purse. I looked on Amazon but didn’t find one that actually struck me as something I wanted.

Anyway…I wanted a tote size bag.

I found a new (to me) purse at a thrift store (wow, prices have gone up!) - but it was sadly too small for what I wanted for the trip back. I now needed a bigger bag to use as my hand bag - something I could put my purse in PLUS my bag of electronics and headphones I had purchased.


So, Julie made me one. We met at the store and I chose this Philip Jacobs/Kaffe Collective fabric. A few days later Julie brought the finished bag to the store. I still can’t figure out WHY she wanted to to do it. I know it was a lot of work!

But it was/is beautiful and will be great for other trips as well! It is such a pleasure to just look at.

It had room for my purse, a bag of electronic goodies (cables, a hard drive). and some headphones - plus a Logic Problems book I like to travel with.

It had room for my purse, a bag of electronic goodies (cables, a hard drive). and some headphones - plus a Logic Problems book I like to travel with.

While it is big - it did “squish” up and I could put it under the seat in front of me on each leg of the journey! It helped that I didn’t have it jammed pack full - there is no way it could have if that had been the case.


The pattern is “By Annie”. Julie made it bigger than the original pattern - I think she said she expanded it by 2” wider and longer - so that expanded it considerably!


Thanks, Julie, for such a gorgeous bag!

It dwarfs my silver carry on.  Here’s the thing - it’s not full - and was collapsible so as to fit under the seat in front of me.

It dwarfs my silver carry on. Here’s the thing - it’s not full - and was collapsible so as to fit under the seat in front of me.

If you are near the Quilted Twins store and want to learn to make a bag from the lady who made MY bag - check out this class here! August 28

What an experience!!!! Make one yourself and gift one to a friend to do it with you!

You can sign up here and get more details here!


Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Oh wait…if you want some of this gorgeous fabric, you can get it here! Click on the photo below.


Becky Petersen2 Comments